


For this event, Japan Volleyball Association (JVA) takes over Asian Volleyball Committee (AVC) the media related activities onsite, including media accreditation application.

The accreditation is strictly for members of the press involved in reporting on the events as a “sports news”. Please read through the statements below carefully before applying. Please note that if your activity violates remarkably regulations or instructions, we might ask you to leave the venue. Also please be noted that these regulations may change depending on the situation.

Definition of Press Person

– In this document “Press Person” includes Journalists, Still Camera Photographer, Non-Rights Holder ENG Camera Operators, and other persons who cover the event.

– Press Person must be appointed by the respective person of the media for which s/he works for. If you are a freelance journalist, you must be on assignment from a media outlet.

– JVA has the right to make a final judge if s/he should be accredited as a Press Person or not.

COVID-19 Countermeasures

– You must monitor your health condition and fill in a Daily Health Checklist every day during the two weeks prior to your first match to cover and bring it to the media reception. Only printed Checklist is accepted. You will not be allowed to enter the venue if you forget to fill in and bring printed Checklist.

– Please refrain from attending media opportunities if you have a cold or cold-like symptoms, including a fever, coughing, or sneezing.

-Please bring and wear a mask, wash your hands, and observe appropriate coughing etiquette.

– Please maintain a physical distancing between yourself and others.

– We will take your temperature using a non-contact thermometer at the press reception. Admission may be refused for those who have a fever.

Download Daily Health Checklist

Media Application

– Advance registration is required; if you do not register in advance, you may be refused entry.

*Application form has closed on September 5th.

Media Accreditation

– The Press Person who is accredited by JVA is given a permission to enter the venue.

– Accreditation Card (AD Card) is provided to the Press Person. Please always wear your AD Card in a visible location.

– Bibs are provided for Still Camera Photographer and Non-Rights Holder ENG Camera Operator. Please always wear your bib over your jacket.

– Due to space limitations, the number of media permitted to enter the venue is as follows:

【News Agency, Newspaper, Magazine, Website, Others: 2】

*Out of 2, only 1 can be a photographer.

【TV: 3】

*No more than 1 video camera may be used.

*Depending on the situation in side the venue, we might ask you to reduce the number of people.

Accessible Area

– Accessible Area for each media category is as follows:

Journalist Press Working Room, Press Tribune
Still Camera
Press Working Room, Photographer Area (arena/stand)
Non-Rights Holder
ENG Camera Operator
Press Working Room, Interview Area (Site B only)

*Subject to change

Press Tribune

Press Tribune is available for Accredited Journalists during the event from 1hour prior/after the first/last match. There is no power outlet in Press Tribune. Please be considerate and refrain from keeping the seat by leaving luggage, etc.

Photographer Area and ENG Area

Please check the map showing shooting/filming position at the press reception desk (opens 1hour prior to the first match).

Press Working Room

Press Working Room is available for Accredited Journalists during the event from 1hour prior the first match to 2hour after the last match. Power outlet and Wi-Fi are available.

*Please refrain from shooting/filming outside of designated area.

*To avoid crowded environment, there will be no mixed zone at Site A. We provide quick post-match interview online upon requests. For Site B, we will provide mixed zone for quick interview, but we might ask you to maintain a physical distancing between yourself and the teams

Photos and Films

– Photos and Films can be used only for the media which s/he is accredited as. When the photos and films are used for the media other than s/he is accredited as, the Press Person must re-apply to JVA.

【Photo Usage Regulation】
Photo usage is only allowed in news or sports news program that is broadcasted within 10 days after the match, for news reporting purposes

【Film Usage Regulation】 *Subject to change
Film must be used under below condition:
1. Only in news or sports news program that is broadcasted within 24hours after the match, for news reporting purposes
2. Up to 3 minutes of match footage per program can be used (post-match quick interview is not included)
3. Use of Films must be embargoed until the end of relevant match
-If not applicable, you must contact JVA for permission.

About the Accreditation Card

– Accreditation Card (AD Card) is valid during the tournament.

– It is prohibited to enter the venues without wearing AD Card. AD Card will be provided at the press reception desk in each venue. (Note: you must sign up at the press reception every day).

– Bibs for Photographers and Non-Rights Holder ENG Camera Operators will be distributed at the press reception desk. The bibs are required to return to the reception on your final coverage day.

– AD Card must be returned to the press reception desk by the end of each day before leaving the venue.

– We will not issue another AD card unless it is returned each day.


– Please always follow JVA staff’s instructions.

– No parking at the venue will be provided; please use public parking facilities nearby.

– Please refrain from sharing or posting live scores and results on personal social media account or blog.

– Please refrain from sharing or posting any materials that are taken in areas only accessible to the media.

– If any violation is found, JVA might refuse all future applications.


JVA Press Department: press@jva.or.jp

*We are currently working on telework to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 infection. Please be noted that it may take longer to respond to inquiries than usual.

This Media Regulation applies for the Journalists, Still Camera Photographers, Non-Rights Holders, not for the Host Broadcaster and Rights Holders.